After a long search through eBay, pick-a-parts, and recyclers, I was able to track down what I hope will be the engine that delivers 600hp: this VK56DE from a 2005 Nissan Titan whose 118k mile life was cut short due to a front end collision. Here it is at the recycler, looking just a bit worse for the wear:
There are some things I like about it and some things I don't, but I'm not going to count any chickens until it's on a stand in the shop. In fact, I arranged for Nik to meet me at the recycler with his truck to help me get it back to the shop. I checked it over and turned it over with a 3/8" ratchet handle to verify that it's not seized or freewheeling.
"We'll take it."
"Okay, when do you want to pick it up?"
"Wait, what do you mean? Now. We're here with the truck. Now. Now is good."
"Oh, not possible, it's going to take hours to get to it with our forklift moving stuff around, then it needs drained and cleaned."
After some more back and forth and tears from me, I put down a deposit and agreed to come back for it another day. So frustrating.
I apologized to Nik for wasting his time, and we drove back to his place; by the time we got back, we'd spent over 2 hours just driving around in Houston 5pm traffic with nothing to show for it. Bad scene dude.
With the engine plans shot for the night, I decided to address the passenger side of the engine bay. There was stuff to remove, so I did.
Not particularly exciting stuff, but it's done.
The car is in pretty good shape comparatively, but not showroom quality.
I'll get the engine soon, hopefully, and we can see what kind of shape it's actually in. Hopefully.
It will go here. Ish.
Thanks for reading!
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